
at my stop on ‘The Donor’ (part one) blog tour. I’m super excited to
participate in this tour and I hope you enjoy your stay! 😉

About the Book:


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21844566-the-donorCasey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she,
just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.

They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the
nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost
easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her

[Disclaimer: This is a serial novella that will be told
in parts about the length of a short story (20-30 pages)]

My Review:

received an ARC from ‘The Donor’ (part one) from Nikki Rae a couple of weeks
ago. Since I really loved ‘Sunshine’ and the blurb of ‘The Donor’ really
sparked my interest I was super excited to read this one. This book is written
in different parts so ‘The Donor’ (part one) was just the start.
In ‘The
Donor’ we meet Casey Williams, a 19 year old hard-working girl. Casey and her
family have big money problems and they all work extremely hard just to pay the
bills. When Casey starts having headaches and nosebleeds the money problems get
worse due to the high doctor bills. But there is one solution to Casey’s
problems: MyTrueMatch.com. Through this site Casey meets a man who will pay her
a lot of money with the one downfall that she has to give this man anything he
wants from her body. But Casey just wants her parents to have less money
problems and she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.
When I
read the first couple of pages of ‘The Donor’ I was immediately intrigued.
There is a lot of mystery in this book. When I read the part about Casey having
to give whatever the guy wants from her body, my mind immediately thought about
what Casey would have to do. But when I read further into this book I saw that
what I first thought isn’t at all what was going to happen.
I loved
that twist in this first part of ‘The Donor’ and I can’t believe how short this
first part was. (I WANT MORE!! LOL!!) I couldn’t put it down and kept clicking
on my Kindle, hoping that there was another page hidden. I can’t wait until the
next part comes out in August.
This is
definitely a book to check out!  

About the Author:

Rae is a writer who lives in New Jersey. As an independent author, she has
appeared numerously on Amazon Best Seller lists and she concentrates on making
her imaginary characters as real as possible. Nikki writes mainly dark, scary,
romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading,
or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet
corner, or studying people. Closely.

For more
information about Nikki Rae and the ‘Sunshine’ series you can visit
, Twitter,
Facebook or Amazon. Or visit Nikki on her blog


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