
Welcome to Maureen’s Books One Year Blogoversary!! I can’t
believe it’s already been a year ago since I started this blog. On March 17th
2014 I finally had the nerve to start my own book blog. I had been thinking of
starting my own blog for years, but somehow I never found the nerve to do it.
But last year I finally decided to go through with it.. and boy what a year it has

A views statistics about Maureen’s Books first year:
223 Posts
Read and reviewed 116 books
Received 371 comments
272 Likes on Maureen’s Books Facebook Page
This last year has been a wonderful journey. I loved
getting to know some of my fellow bloggers, discover new authors and read
amazing new books. I like to thank YOU for visiting Maureen’s Books and making
me one very happy book blogger!! Join my celebration and participate in the
giveaway and let’s make the second year just as awesome!! 😀

Thank you for visiting Maureen’s Books!