
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23257491-pretty-shamelessThe only rules she follows are her own…

Wherever deputy Laney Briggs goes, trouble always follows behind—except when
Laney is the trouble. Right now, Laney is on the hunt for her not-so-bright
cousin, who is wanted for gun smuggling. But there’s a sexy, hot-assed Texas
Ranger on the same case, and Laney would bet her britches (and everything else
she’s wearing) that Gunner Wilson knows something she doesn’t. It just requires
a bit of sexy espionage…

Gunner knows all too well just how damned distracting Laney and her little red
cowboy boots can be. The pure, unadulterated want between them has never been
stronger—and Gunner can’t resist making her crazy. But even as she gives into
every carnal craving for Gunner, Laney is determined to get her answers, one
mind-meltingly hot night at a time. The only question is whether she’ll be
ready for the truth…

My Review:

I’ve been a huge fan of Jodi Linton’s work ever since I
read ‘Pretty Reckless’ last year. It was one of my favorite 2014 reads and I
just can’t seem to get enough of the Deputy Laney Briggs Series. So when I saw
that Jodi was giving away ARC’s of her new book ‘Pretty Shameless’, I knew I
just had to have a copy. Fortunately for me, Jodi must have heard me
jumping-up-and-down in my living room, and soon I had a copy of the ARC of
‘Pretty Shameless’ in my hands (figuratively speaking since it’s an e-book). As
soon as possible I started reading about my favorite deputy and her super-hot
cowboy boyfriend.
The thing about the Deputy Laney Briggs Series is that
when you start a book in this series you just can’t stop reading. ‘Pretty
Shameless’ was from the beginning a very addictive book. Laney’s cousin is in
big trouble and even though he is a big pain, he is family and Laney will try
everything to help her cousin. But when Laney learns there is a hot and sexy
Texas Ranger, also called Gunner Wilson a.k.a. Laney’s boyfriend, on the case,
she knows there’s trouble on the horizon.
‘Pretty Shameless’ is a pretty damn hot book. I loved the
chemistry between Laney and Gunner. There is a lot of history between those
two, but they just can’t let each other go. They make each other crazy, angry
and frustrated but above all they love each other obviously. There are a lot of
sexy Laney and Gunner scenes in this book. But there are also a lot of secrets
and I just really hope there love will win in the end. Don’t get me wrong, this
book is perfect but I’m a little scared for what Jodi has planned for us in the
next Deputy Laney Briggs book. Just don’t break my heart Jodi!!! 😀
This book is not only about Laney and Gunner, there’s
also hot cowboy Luke Wagner. And although he is very smooth and sexy.. I just
get a wrong feeling about this guy. After reading about Luke, I just wanted to
make a huge sign on canvas with ‘GUNNER FOR PRESIDENT’ on it. That guy just
ruined me for most cowboys. And there’s something with Luke. I swear!! I can
‘Pretty Shameless’ was another great read. There is a lot
of stuff happening and it never gets boring. There’s action, there’s romance
and there are some seriously hot scenes in this book. I read this one in just
one day because when you start a book this good, you just can’t put it down. Definitely
another one for my favorite books list. Great job, Jodi!!

My Rating:


About the Author:

Growing up in a small Texas town didn’t have many perks,
but it allowed for some colorful writing material. After settling down with her
family in central Texas, Jodi found her passion: writing kick-ass, southern
contemporary romance stories. Today she can be found cozied up to the computer
escaping into a quirky world of tall tales, sexy, tight jean wearing cowboys,
and a protagonist with a sharp-tongue quick enough to hang any man out to dry.

My characters swear, have lots of dirty sex, and live it up…there’s no mint
juleps in my stories.  
For more
information about ‘Pretty Shameless’ and the ‘Deputy Laney Briggs Series’ go to Amazon, Goodreads or visit Jodi Lintons own website. You can also find Jodi Linton on Twitter and Facebook.

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